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Kaspersky Professional Services

Leave the tedious but critical security tasks to the experts:

  • Assessments, deployment, maintenance and optimization
  • Help with Kaspersky product upgrades and migration
  • Essential service packages or custom projects


Maximizing your investment – optimizing your resources.

Today’s business environment is relentlessly competitive, and every aspect of business needs focused attention. For IT specialists in particular, the fewer distractions the better – and security is often not their priority. Slipping up when it comes to your security can lead to degraded performance, unnecessary incidents and spiraling costs. Enrolling the help of experienced professionals will ensure that your cybersecurity installations function at peak efficiency, while your IT team concentrate on their core tasks.
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Issues undermining your efficiency

Rushed deployment

You cannot afford degraded or no security and need it working optimally. Mistakes can easily become critical issues

Lack of expertise & resources

Your IT engineers, however skilled, may lack experience, time or system resources

Lack of best practices

Truly effective security may be complex and time consuming to properly configure

Lack of visibility

When your IT security is built gradually over time, it gets complex, and it is easy to overlook the design flaws

Threat landscape evolution

What used to be effective can become obsolete - and you’d never know without checking

Prevention is better than cure

Don’t wait for the worst to happen – stay on top of your cybersecurity and avoid nasty surprises and unnecessary costs.

Kaspersky at your service

Delivering maximum security systems performance – reducing the load on your hard-pressed security team

Minimization of risks

Enroll the help of our experts to do what they do best - seamlessly
  • Discover configuration flaws resulting in degraded security

  • Avoid adverse effects on productivity

  • Locate potential compliance issues

  • Minimize implementation impact on business processes

Avoid capacity strain

Relieve the pressure on your resources
  • Enjoy resource-effective configurations

  • Reduce strain on your IT security team

Maximize your ROI

Save on all aspects of your IT security project
  • Hardened security results in fewer incidents

  • Effective crisis handling means minimum disruptions or losses

  • Peace of mind efficiency supports better business planning

Additional Information

Learn more from our globally recognized cybersecurity experts

Kaspersky Professional Services catalogue

Everything we can do to help you

Kaspersky Premium Support datasheet

Even more ways to keep your IT security running smoothly

Hunting the hunters

Read about the principles and benefits of managed detection & response

Areas of Operation

Covering the complete product cycle

  • Cybersecurity Health Check
    Vendor-agnostic assessment of the effectiveness of your current cybersecurity.
  • Security Fundamentals Assessment
    Ensuring your information security levels meet with current standards.
  • Periodic Health Check
    Maintaining optimum performance from your Kaspersky security installation.
  • Compliance Assessment
    Ensuring your operational compliance with specific IT security regulations.
24/7 Premium Support
Professional help is available whenever you need it. Operating in more than 200 countries, from 34 offices worldwide, we have you covered 24/7/365.